Counting down for the first Virtual MVP Summit 2020

First MVP Summit to attend as Windows Insider MVP
When I get awarded on the first of January 2020 for Windows Insider MVP, I registered for the MVP Summit 2020 and booked my flight ticket. I was counting down the days that I go to the Microsoft Campus in Seattle. A big dream of me to get there, working for 30 years in de IT and with Microsoft products.
COVID-19 Virus
Then the COVID-19 virus started in China and did see many events get canceled. On the 26 of February did get a mail from Microsoft with the title “Statement from MVP Summit about Coronavirus” and was like they go to cancel the event but when i read the mail they assured everyone that the event will go trough.
Then on the second of March, we get the other mail from Microsoft that the event will be an online-only event, so this was a big disappointment that day for me.
Virtual MVP Summit
Now today after many works from many Microsoft employees and community members that event will start in 2 hours as a virtual event and this all in Microsoft Teams.