WPNinjaNL Saturday


The Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands is proud to announce that on Saturday the 8th of April, 2023 we will organize our second in-person event in the year 2023.

Apr 8, 2023 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM

The Workplace Ninja User Group Netherlands is proud to announce that on Saturday the 8th of April, 2023 we will organize our second in-person event in the year 2023.

This time, we will spend the Saturday together, and have prepared some interesting security related Hands on Labs.

The Workplace Ninja User Group team will be assisting you allowing you to complete the Hands on Labs, we will provide also you with further explanation and guidance and our experiences from the field while implementing security solutions in Microsoft environments.

Besides working on the labs together, there is room to network with peers, share experiences and make this a meaningful day.

Program: 10:00 - 16:00: HOL / Sessions

Location: Fastlane